Induced Resistance against Fusarium Wilt Disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum in Local Red Peppers (Capsicum annum L.) in Aceh using Rhizobacteria Isolates
The ability to develop resistance has been demonstrated by Rhizobacteria in several plant species in order to providing protection against plant pathogen attacks. The use of Rhizobacteria is expected to suppress the attack of Fusarium pathogen in local pepper plants in Aceh. This study is aimed at obtaining information about the important role of Rhizobacterium in inducing the resistance of local pepper plants in Aceh to the attack of Fusarium oxysporum. The research was conducted from March to September 2018 at Seed Science Laboratory and Experimental Garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University. The study used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) Factorial with 2 factors. The first factor was the local peppers (Odeng, Lamando Lapaben, Super Lamando 002 and Lanyoe SS). The second factor was Rhizobacteria isolates (HWI 5 (4) and HWI 8 (6)) which were obtained from the collection of Seed Science Laboratory. The parameters observed: pathogen incubation period, plant height, stem diameter and number of productive branches. The results revealed that the incubation period of F. oxysporum varied in each genotype and type of Rhizobacteria. The application of Rhizobacteria is slowing down the incubation period to 1-3 days in all tested genotypes. Rhizobacteria increased the plants growth especially in HWI 8 (6), characterized by taller plants and larger trunks. The highest interaction between the local genotype of pepper plants and the type of Rhizobacteria was found in the genotypes of Lamando Lapaben and HWI 5 (4) for its number of productive branches.
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